Organic vs. Non-organic; which is best for your lifestyle and health

Organic vs. Non-organic; which is best for your lifestyle and health

Switching from non-organic to organic lifestyle and health is the best thing one can do for themselves and the environment. Indeed, the difference between organic and inorganic materials is staggering! Moreover, the choices can lead to major changes in lifestyle! Nowadays, materials labeled as 'organic' have become the ultimate choice for a few people. In fact, people are making a serious effort to obtain a healthy lifestyle. The impact of the choices is not only visible in the food industry. People are going gaga over organic clothes. With the increasing demand of consumers, organic clothing has witnessed unprecedented growth in the last few years.

When people make a good choice, there must be a reason! However, many people out there are still not aware of the blessing of an organic lifestyle and its positive impact on health! This blog highlights the reasons why organic materials are a better choice! 

Organic Vs. Non-organic 

Of course, organic cotton is chemical-free and sustainable. Hence, it is hardly any effect on the environment! It eliminates the usage of toxic pesticides, fertilizers, and dyes. As a result, the impact of pollution in organic cotton harvesting is 98% lower. In addition, organic cotton is comparatively softer in quality, and the smooth texture of the fabric allows your skin to breathe. In addition, organic cotton eliminates uncomfortable synthetic fabrics like polypropylene and nylon harsh to your skin. 

On the other hand, non-organic materials go through a series of treatments. From producing to packaging, it involves a lot of chemical treatment. The usage of harmful pesticides, fertilizers, toxic dyes is indeed detrimental to human and earth health. In fact, it releases toxic fumes to the environment disrupting the natural habitat of the surrounding. 

The story doesn't end here! 

Organic clothing choice is far better than inorganic one. Why? Let's find out in the next section! 

It does not contain any harmful chemicals

To start with, organic cotton is naturally harvested. In fact, it all starts with processing the seeds. Whereas non-organic cotton seeds are genetically modified, organic cotton seeds are completely natural. In order to supply the high demand for cotton, the commercial seeds are potentially immune with chemicals and pesticides. In addition, harmful chemicals can contaminate the environment. In fact, the toxic chemicals can be detrimental to the local wildlife. On the other hand, the natural cotton resource doesn't harm the local wildlife and the farmers. So, is it worth wearing something that is slowly devouring the environment and the people who make it? 

Saves rich natural resources 

Cotton harvesting is an intricate process involving a lot of dedication and effort. Moreover, the post-harvesting efforts are more laborious! It includes not only additional resources but also involves potential human labor! The most crucial ingredient is water. While water conservation is a growing issue worldwide, conventional cotton production requires gallons of water. In fact, it takes more than 700 gallons of water to produce a single cotton t-shirt. As per the recent report, organic garment production can save up to 91% water waste. Hence, it is truly environment-friendly and futuristic! 

Doesn't require toxic pesticides

This may sound superficial, but did you know the unbridle usage of toxic pesticides can lead to cancer? As per the World Health Organization report, 20,000 people have died of cancer and miscarriage for the usage of pesticides! Typically, all conventional cotton process goes through a series of method. The usage of toxic dyes often leads to serious health hazards. Moreover, the usage of chemicals and pesticides can lead to skin problems. In fact, if you wear chemically treated cotton for too long, it can cause serious respiratory disease. However, the hypoallergenic components in organic cotton save your sensitive skin from discomfort, rash, or any allergic reaction. 

Softer fabric and premium quality 

Fashion is not about aesthetics only! It's about comfort as well. Hand-picked organic clothes are quintessentially softer and premium in quality. On the other hand, the rigorous process of machines and their harmful effect might break the cotton fibers. The massive pollutant machines break the natural shackles of the fiber chain and make it relatively uncomfortable to wear. However, the breathable texture of the natural cotton is like a treat to your skin. Smooth texture allows you to wear the clothes comfortably and let you flaunt your style unabatedly. Hence, wearing organic clothes is not only good for the earth's health, but it is the best choice for skin and wallet too! 

Different types of organic products

Before switching to organic products, you should expand your knowledge a bit! Hence, there are a variety of organic products available in the market! If your trust the label, you will find the following varieties:

  • 100% organic: it suggests all the materials used in the manufacturing process are organic. From the cotton seed to sewing thread, every material is organic. 
  • Organic: it suggests 95% of fibers used in the process are environment-friendly and organic. 
  • Made with organic: It refers to the garments being grown organically; however, the process may not! 

Apart from these labels, you might also find manufacturers declaring their standard organic ratio in the packaging!  

It's over to you!

Caring for the environment and yourself is, of course, your choice! A healthy lifestyle and healthy choices can always motivate your to achieve better things in life. Moreover, fashion and lifestyle are the most personal choice! Switching for a better way of life is always a positive decision! It can eventually lead to a healthy environment as well! If you feel the urge to move forward in the right direction, this futuristic decision can promote better health, lifestyle, and the environment!

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